Remi Losno

Environmental biogeochemistry
Institute of Physics of the Globe of Paris


Works on metals metalloid at the atmosphere interface with land and ocean. My focus is today on their impact on the Southern Ocean as micronutrients. This is a SOLAS topic. I developp sampling in the environment and analytical methods at ultra trace levels using clean rooms and ICP-AES and HR-ICP-MS.Teach inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and environmental chemistry at Paris Diderot University (part of Sorbone Paric Cite as well as IPGP, SPC), and participate to launching "Frontier in Chemistry (FrinCh)" master with analytical chemistry for environment and complex systems

Research Intrest

Environmental biogeochemistry

List of Publications
Atmospheric iron deposition: global distribution, variability, and human perturbations. Mahowald NM, Engelstaedter S, Luo C, Sealy A, Artaxo P, Benitez-Nelson C, Bonnet S, Chen Y, Chuang PY, Cohen DD, Dulac F, Herut B, Johansen AM, Kubilay N, Losno R, Maenhaut W, Paytan A, Prospero JM, Shank LM, Siefert RL. Ann Rev Mar Sci. 2009;1:245-78. Review
Composition study of CoPt bimetallic nanocrystals of 2 nm. Demortière A, Losno R, Petit C, Quisefit JP. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2010 Jun;397(4):1485-91.
Transferrin receptor-1 iron-acquisition pathway - synthesis, kinetics, thermodynamics and rapid cellular internalization of a holotransferrin-maghemite nanoparticle construct. Piraux H, Hai J, Verbeke P, Serradji N, Ammar S, Losno R, Ha-Duong NT, Hémadi M, El Hage Chahine JM. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Aug;1830(8):4254-64.
Control of the anisotropic shape of cobalt nanorods in the liquid phase: from experiment to theory… and back. Atmane KA, Michel C, Piquemal JY, Sautet P, Beaunier P, Giraud M, Sicard M, Nowak S, Losno R, Viau G. Nanoscale. 2014 Mar 7;6(5):2682-92.
Alternative dry separation of PM10 from soils for characterization by kinetic extraction: example of new Caledonian mining soils. Pasquet C, Gunkel-Grillon P, Laporte-Magoni C, Serres A, Quiniou T, Rocca F, Monna F, Losno R, van Oort F, Chateau C. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2016 Dec;23(24):25105-25113
Impact of nickel mining in New Caledonia assessed by compositional data analysis of lichens. Pasquet C, Le Monier P, Monna F, Durlet C, Brigaud B, Losno R, Chateau C, Laporte-Magoni C, Gunkel-Grillon P. Springerplus. 2016 Nov 28;5(1):2022.