Oswaldo Cruz Institute- Fiocruz
Patricia Bozza graduated in Medicine in 1990, Faculty of Medical Sciences, State University of Rio de Janeiro; and obtained the title of Doctor of Sciences (concentration in Pharmacology) in 1993 by the Program of Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute. In 1994, Patricia was named the Pew Latin American Fellow and developed postdoctoral studies at Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Patrícia Bozza is a researcher at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, researcher 1A of CNPq and member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Patricia was International Scholar of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in the period 2002-2006, and coordinated the Brazilian Pew Program Committee in biomedical sciences. The research group led by Patricia is focused on the study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the inflammatory and metabolic response to infections; as well as the participation of the inflammatory process and changes in lipid metabolism in obesity and cancer.
Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the inflammatory and metabolic response to infections