Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel

Research Fellow
United Nations University


Miguel Niño-Zarazúa is a Research Fellow at the World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University (UNU-WIDER). Previously, he was a Research Fellow at the Brooks World Poverty Institute and the Chronic Poverty Research Centre at the University of Manchester, where he investigated the long-term effects of social transfer programmes in developing countries. Miguel holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Sheffield, UK. His research interests include aid effectiveness; social protection and social sector development; poverty, inequality and vulnerability analysis; microfinance, and applied econometrics with specific focus on impact evaluation methods.

Research Intrest

Economics, Mathematical Economics

List of Publications
Addison, Tony, Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel, Singhal, Saurabh and Gisselquist, Rachel M. (2015). Needs vs expediency : Poverty reduction and social development in post-conflict countries. UNU-WIDER.
Masino, Serena and Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel (2015). What Works to Improve the Quality of Student Learning in Developing Countries?. UNU-WIDER.
Addison, Tony, Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel and Tarp, Finn (2015). Aid, social policy, and development. UNU-WIDER.