Melissa Friesen

Senior Investigator
Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, Occupational and
National Cancer Institute
United States of America

Scientist Medical Sciences

Dr. Friesen received a Ph.D. (2006) and M.Sc. (2001) in occupational hygiene from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. She completed postdoctoral studies at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and at the University of California at Berkeley. She joined the NCI as a tenure-track investigator in the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch in June 2009, and was awarded NIH scientific tenure and promoted to senior investigator in 2017

Research Intrest

Dr. Friesen's research has focused on quantitative assessment strategies to minimize exposure misclassification in occupational epidemiologic studies. She has focused on improving exposure estimates, evaluating the robustness of exposure-response relationships to exposure assessment strategies, and using statistical models for both developing exposure metrics and evaluating their exposure-response relationships. By using more refined and more proximal exposure measures, her research has resulted in quantitative exposure-response relationships for several exposure-disease associations that have not previously been published.

List of Publications
Friesen MC, Pronk A, Wheeler DC, Chen YC, Locke SJ, Zaebst DD, Schwenn M, Johnson A, Waddell R, Baris D, Colt JS. Comparison of algorithm-based estimates of occupational diesel exhaust exposure to those of multiple independent raters in a population-based case–control study. Annals of occupational hygiene. 2012 Nov 25;57(4):470-81.
Friesen MC, Coble JB, Katki HA, Ji BT, Xue S, Lu W, Stewart PA. Validity and reliability of exposure assessors’ ratings of exposure intensity by type of occupational questionnaire and type of rater. Annals of occupational hygiene. 2011 Apr 21;55(6):601-11.
Friesen MC, Coble JB, Lu W, Shu XO, Ji BT, Xue S, Portengen L, Chow WH, Gao YT, Yang G, Rothman N. Combining a job-exposure matrix with exposure measurements to assess occupational exposure to benzene in a population cohort in Shanghai, China. Annals of occupational hygiene. 2011 Oct 5;56(1):80-91.

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