Marc Benedetti

Full Professor at the Dept. of Chemistry
Environmental biogeochemistry
Institute of Physics of the Globe of Paris


Name : Benedetti Marc F. T. Position: Full Professor at the Dept. of Chemistry EDUCATION/TRAINING. 2001 Habilitation à Diriger de Recherche de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie. 1989 Thèse de Doctorat de l’Université de Paris VII : Spécialité géochimie fondamentale. 1985 D.E.A. de Géochimie et Géophysique Interne, Université Paris VII..

Research Intrest

The overall focus of my research concerns the study of interactions between major and trace elements and major constituents of water and soil in biogeochemical cycles. Continental surfaces are the locus of significant transfers and exchanges of materials. At the watershed scale, these transfers are made in a large geochemical cycles: weathering of rocks - transport by rivers - sedimentation - diagenesis. To understand these transfers and the environmental role of organic matter, it is necessary to determine the speciation of chemical elements in the environment: dissolved, colloidal, and / or solid. The adsorption and complexation of major and trace elements by finely divided materials (ie colloidal minerals, organo-inorganic and organic) influence transfer processes in rivers and soils. A - Experimental study of processes at interfaces, understanding the mechanisms that control the speciation and transfer of elements in water and soil. He is studying the reactions of heterogeneous solid-liquid type. B - Modelling of interactions between major and trace elements and various components of water-soil system. C - Speciation of chemical elements in natural environments (water and soil). D - Study of the early weathering.

List of Publications
Eu(III)-Fulvic Acid Complexation: Evidence of Fulvic Acid Concentration Dependent Interactions by Time-Resolved Luminescence Spectroscopy. Kouhail YZ, Benedetti MF, Reiller PE. Environ Sci Technol. 2016 Apr 5;50(7):3706-13.
Influence of dissolved organic matter and manganese oxides on metal speciation in soil solution: A modelling approach. Schneider AR, Ponthieu M, Cancès B, Conreux A, Morvan X, Gommeaux M, Marin B, Benedetti MF. Environ Pollut. 2016 Jun;213:618-627.
Trace metals dynamics under contrasted land uses: contribution of statistical, isotopic, and EXAFS approaches. Bonnot CA, Gélabert A, Louvat P, Morin G, Proux O, Benedetti MF. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2016 May 24.
Lead distribution in soils impacted by a secondary lead smelter: Experimental and modelling approaches. Schneider AR, Cancès B, Ponthieu M, Sobanska S, Benedetti MF, Pourret O, Conreux A, Calandra I, Martinet B, Morvan X, Gommeaux M, Marin B. Sci Total Environ. 2016 Oct 15;568:155-63.
Speciation and reactivity of lead and zinc in heavily and poorly contaminated soils: Stable isotope dilution, chemical extraction and model views. Ren ZL, Sivry Y, Tharaud M, Cordier L, Li Y, Dai J, Benedetti MF. Environ Pollut. 2017 Jun;225:654-662.
Element variability in lacustrine systems of Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) and concentration evolution in surface waters. Zelano I, Malandrino M, Giacomino A, Buoso S, Conca E, Sivry Y, Benedetti M, Abollino O. Chemosphere. 2017 Aug;180:343-355.