Luis Alberto Delgado Argote

Principal Researcher
Department of Geology
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada


Luis Alberto Delgado Argote is Principal Researcher from Department of Geology handling below listed projects.Structural and geochemical indicators of site histories the plutons of the center of the BC peninsula System of normal faults in the El Tigre-la Misión plateau, hierarchization through reflection seismic profiles. Geological hazards and seismic risk in the coastal zone.

Research Intrest

Structural geology, stratigraphy and basin analysis Marine geology and geophysics Petrology, geochemistry and geochronology Tectonics and geodynamics

List of Publications
Pérez FMA, Delgado ALA, Herrera BF (2015) Geoelectric structure of the landslide zone of the San Miguel village, Ensenada, Baja California. GEOS 34: 1-9.
Torres CXG, Delgado ALA , Böhnel H, Molina GRS, Weber B (2016) Paleomagnetic assessment of plutons from the southern Peninsular Ranges batholith and the Jurassic Vizcaino igneous suites, Baja California, Mexico. Int Geology Review 58: 489-509.