
Dr. Gattinoni received his M.D. from the Universita' degli Studi of Milan, Italy. Following the completion of his residency in medical oncology at the Istituto Nazionale Tumori in Milan, he joined the NCI in 2003 as a Visiting Fellow and became a Staff Scientist in 2008. In 2013, Dr. Gattinoni was appointed as an Earl Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator at the Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch. His honors include the 2004 SITC Presidential Award, the 2012 Wilson S. Stone Memorial Award and the 2013 NCI Director’s Intramural Innovation Award. 

Research Intrest

Cell Biology, Immunology, Stem Cell Biology 

List of Publications
Gattinoni L, Lugli E, Ji Y, Pos Z, Paulos CM, et al. (2011) A human memory T cell subset with stem cell-like properties. Nat Med. 17: 1290-1297.
Ji Y, Pos Z, Rao M, Klebanoff CA, Yu Z, et al. (2011) Repression of the DNA-binding inhibitor Id3 by Blimp-1 limits the formation of memory CD8(+) T cells. Nat Immunol. 12: 1230-1237
Sukumar M, Liu J, Ji Y, Subramanian M, Crompton JG, et al. (2013) Inhibiting glycolytic metabolism enhances CD8+ T cell memory and antitumor function. J Clin Invest. 123: 4479-4488.
Ji Y, Wrzesinski C, Yu Z, Hu J, Gautam S, et al. (2015) miR-155 augments CD8+ T-cell antitumor activity in lymphoreplete hosts by enhancing responsiveness to homeostatic γc cytokines. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112: 476-481.
Gattinoni L, Speiser DE, Lichterfeld M, Bonini C (2017) T memory stem cells in health and disease. Nat Med 23: 18-27.