Louise A. Brinton

Staff Scientist
Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics
National Cancer Institute
United States of America

Scientist Medical Sciences

After receiving an M.P.H. in epidemiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dr. Brinton joined the NCI as a staff fellow in 1976. She earned a Ph.D. in epidemiology from The Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health in 1979, and subsequently conducted postdoctoral research at Oxford University in the United Kingdom. Dr. Brinton was appointed Acting Chief of the Environmental Studies Section in 1984, and in 1996 became Chief of the Environmental Epidemiology Branch (later called the Hormonal and Reproductive Epidemiology Branch). In 2016 she was named Scientific Advisor for International Activities. She retired from federal service in 2017. She served on the Executive Board of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, and was elected president of the organization in 1990. Dr. Brinton has received the PHS Special Recognition Award and the NIH Director's Award for innovative leadership in women's health research. She has also been honored by receipt of the H.A. Tyroler Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of North Carolina and the American College of Epidemiology’s Abraham Lilienfeld Award and the 2015 Society for Epidemiologic Research Career Accomplishment Award.

Research Intrest

Cancer; Evidence-based public healthl; Health behavior; Health communication; HPV vaccination

List of Publications
Jordan SJ, Na R, Johnatty SE, Wise LA, Adami HO, Brinton LA, Chen C, Cook LS, Dal Maso L, De Vivo I, Freudenheim JL. Breastfeeding and Endometrial Cancer Risk: An Analysis From the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2017 Jun 1;129(6):1059-67.
Brinton LA, Awuah B, Nat Clegg‐Lamptey J, Wiafe‐Addai B, Ansong D, Nyarko KM, Wiafe S, Yarney J, Biritwum R, Brotzman M, Adjei AA. Design considerations for identifying breast cancer risk factors in a population‐based study in Africa. International Journal of Cancer. 2017 Jun 15;140(12):2667-77.
Mullooly M, Khodr ZG, Dallal CM, Nyante SJ, Sherman ME, Falk R, Liao LM, Love J, Brinton LA, Gierach GL. Epidemiologic risk factors for in situ and invasive breast cancer among postmenopausal women in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2017 Jun 16.

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