Loic Martin

Environmental biogeochemistry
Institute of Physics of the Globe of Paris


"Loic Martin is a scientist in department of Environmental biogeochemistry in IInstitute of Physics of the Globe of Paris."

Research Intrest

Environmental biogeochemistry

List of Publications
Across the Gap: Geochronological and Sedimentological Analyses from the Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sequence of Goda Buticha, Southeastern Ethiopia. Tribolo C, Asrat A, Bahain JJ, Chapon C, Douville E, Fragnol C, Hernandez M, Hovers E, Leplongeon A, Martin L, Pleurdeau D, Pearson O, Puaud S, Assefa Z. PLoS One. 2017 Jan 26;12(1):e0169418.
M48U1 and Tenofovir combination synergistically inhibits HIV infection in activated PBMCs and human cervicovaginal histocultures. Musumeci G, Bon I, Lembo D, Cagno V, Re MC, Signoretto C, Diani E, Lopalco L, Pastori C, Martin L, Ponchel G, Gibellini D, Bouchemal K. Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 1;7:41018.
Crosslinking of a CD4 Mimetic Miniprotein with HIV-1 Env gp140 Alters Kinetics and Specificities of Antibody Responses against HIV-1 Env in Macaques. Shen X, Bogers WM, Yates NL, Ferrari G, Dey AK, Williams WT, Jaeger FH, Wiehe K, Sawant S, Alam SM, LaBranche CC, Montefiori DC, Martin L, Srivastava I, Heeney J, Barnett SW, Tomaras GD. J Virol. 2017 May 10. pii: JVI.00401-17.
[Mobile learning in nurse training institutes, infinite pedagogical possibilities]. Martin L. Rev Infirm. 2017 Jun - Jul;66(232):28-29.
Increased, durable B-cell and ADCC Responses Associated with T-helper Responses to HIV-1 Envelope in Macaques Vaccinated with gp140 Occluded at the CD4 Receptor Binding Site. Bogers WMJM, Barnett SW, Oostermeijer H, Nieuwenhuis IG, Beenhakker N, Mortier D, Mooij P, Koopman G, Remarque E, Martin G, Pei-Jen Lai R, Dey AK, Sun Y, Burke B, Ferrari G, Montefiori D, Martin L, Davis D, Srivastava I, Heeney JL. J Virol. 2017 Jul 12. pii: JVI.00811-17. d