Liu Qiang

Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food
Guelph Food Research Centre

Scientist Food and Nutrition

Liu Qiang is an Adjunct professor in the University of Guelph, associate professor in the McMaster University Pulse fractions expert advisory committee along with that Pulse Canada Technical committee member for dietary fiber and starch division. His current research projects:Understanding starch chemistry, structure/function, interaction, modification, and utilization as well as the role of starch and starch derivatives in the process and quality of food and non-food products. Low glycemic index (GI) starch from Canadian grown pulse. To develop novel starches from various Canadian grown plant crops (e.g. potatoes, corn and pulses) as a functional food ingredient and for biodegradable materials application to add value to agricultural crops.

Research Intrest

chemistry, molecular structure and functional properties of starch from various plant sources resistant starch: formation, characterization and functionality alteration made to starch due to physical, chemical or biochemical means potato quality with emphasis on glycermic index, acrylamide, and digestibility in vitro thermal analysis including glass transition and heat capacity of biopolymers.

List of Publications
Pinhero RG, Tsao R, Liu Q, Sullivan JA, Bizimungu B et al. (2016). Protein and Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activities of 14 Early Maturing Potatoes as Affected by Processing. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 7: 69-81.
Maaran S, Hoover R, Vamadevan V, Waduge R, Liu, Q et al. (2016). In vitro amylolysis of pulse and hylon VII starches explained in terms of their composition morphology, granule, architecture and interaction between hydrolysed starch chains. Food Chemistry. 192: 1098-1108.
Du Y, Li S, Zhang Y, Rempel C, Liu Q (2016). Treatments of protein for biopolymer production in view of processability and physical properties: A review. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 133: 1-13.

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition