Laura Chaqués

Research Associate
Political Science
Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)


Laura Chaqués Bonafont is ICREA Researcher and Professor of Political Science at the University of Barcelona, and research fellow at the Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI). She is the director of the Spanish Policy Agendas Project, a research project aimed to analyze the interrelation between the governmental, parliamentarian and media agendas across time, issues, countries and levels of government. The project establishes a link between policy dynamics research and other areas of concern within political science, mainly media studies, political representation and the quality of democracy in multilevel systems of governance. It also provides new tools for the development of quantitative measurement of policy dynamics. At present her main research interests are the analysis of agenda dynamics in comparative perspective, with special reference to the impact of the media, and interest groups. In 2014 she won the ICREA prize.

Research Intrest

policy dynamics, Agenda Setting, political representation in a multilevel system of governance and interest groups

List of Publications
Chaqués, Laura; Palau, Ana Maria Baumgartner, Frank2015Agenda dynamics in Spain.London:Palgrave
Ana Maria Palau Luz Muñoz; Chaqués, Laura.2015Government-opposition dynamics in Spain under the pressure of economic collapse and the debt crisis.Journal of Legislative Studies,21 (1):75-95
Chaqués, Laura; Frank Baumgartner.2015All news is bad news: newspaper coverage of political parties in Spain.Political Communication,32 (2):268-291