Kerrigan Gilbert

Research Associate
Department of Plant Science
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
United States of America


Kerrigan Gilbert was presently working as Research Associate under in Dr. James Carrington's Lab.

Research Intrest

Her research interest include function and diversification of RNA silencing pathways that affect development and disease in model plants and pathogens.

List of Publications
Garcia-Ruiz H, Carbonell A, Hoyer JS, Fahlgren N, Gilbert KB, Takeda A, Giampetruzzi A, Ruiz MT, McGinn MG, Lowery N, Baladejo MT. Roles and programming of Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE proteins during Turnip mosaic virus infection. PLoS pathogens. 2015 Mar 25;11(3):e1004755.
Gilbert KB, Kim TH, Gupta R, Greenberg EP, Schuster M. Global position analysis of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum‐sensing transcription factor LasR. Molecular microbiology. 2009 Sep 1;73(6):1072-85.
Carbonell A, Fahlgren N, Garcia-Ruiz H, Gilbert KB, Montgomery TA, Nguyen T, Cuperus JT, Carrington JC. Functional analysis of three Arabidopsis ARGONAUTES using slicer-defective mutants. The Plant Cell Online. 2012 Sep 1;24(9):3613-29.

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