Keren Ladin

Assistant Professor
Department of Community Health
Tufts University
United States of America

Scientist Medical Sciences

Dr. Ladin incorporates quantitative, qualitative, and normative approaches to study how systemic disadvantage affects health and the ability of individuals to make and pursue lifeplans. Specifically, her research aims to better understand how social networks impact health disparities, acute medical decision-making, and resilience in major life transitions. Her research aims to: (1) understand the role of social networks in complex medical decision-making, (2) harness social networks and social support to improve health care utilization among vulnerable populations, and (3) evaluate the impact of public policies on the health of vulnerable populations. Dr. Ladin's research addresses health disparities in transplantation, mental health treatment, aging, and immigrant health. Dr. Ladin has conducted research in a number of health care settings, including in Chile and Germany. She is also currently a member of the Ethics Committee for the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS). Dr. Ladin teaches courses in health policy, research methods, public health ethics, health disparities, and medical ethics. She received her Ph.D. in Health Policy from Harvard University and her Masters in Population and International Health from the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Ladin is also the Director of the Lab for Research on Ethics, Aging, and Community Health (REACH Lab) at Tufts University.

Research Intrest

Public Health and Community Medicine

Global Scientific Words in Medical Sciences