Kateřina Průšová

Adjunct Lecturer
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Angelo State University
Czech Republic


KateÅ™ina studied Art History at the Faculty of Arts and Letters at the Charles University (Prague), where she obtained her Mgr., PhDr. and Ph.D. degrees. She has worked at diverse art galleries in Prague and Paris (Paul Prouté). She has also been awarded different scholarships and internships in France (Paris, Montpellier) and Italy (Perugia). KateÅ™ina is a lecturer for several study abroad programs in Prague at the Charles University (USAC – Alternative Culture, Holocaust; ECES- Jewish History, Jewish Art and Architecture). She specializes in French and Flemish medieval and renaissance manuscript illumination and the role of women in the Renaissance. Her fields of interest include medieval painting in Bohemia, Judaism, contemporary and alternative art as well as intuitive pedagogy. She also works as a private tour guide.

Research Intrest

Art History, Jewish History, Alternative Culture

List of Publications
„Continuité et discontinuité“ (Czech Artists from the School of Paris that experienced the concetration camps), Montparnasse Déporté, exhibition catalogue, Musée de Montparnasse, Paris, 2005, p.26.
"Nicolas Cusanus and the Renaissance World of Art“, East of the West, AAU, August 2011.
„Divina Proporzione“, contribution at a conference on the Golden Ratio, AAU, fall 2013