K Guruprasad

Cellular and Molecular Biology
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology

Scientist Molecular Biology

K Guruprasad is the member and principal scientist in Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology.

Research Intrest

Dr. Guru Prasad's group works in the area of predicting the structure and function of proteins of interest using computational methods. We rely on the analysis of related proteins of known sequences, structures and function for the predictions. We are interested in protein sequence-structure relatedness at the level of structural motifs in proteins. We are also interested in the design of novel molecules of desired function based on natural systems. Further, we are interested in exploring the biological and chemical space in molecular complexes for designing potential inhibitors for validated therapeutic targets in human disease. We develop methods, software and databases in bioinformatics relevant to our interests. We are keen to learn and to understand molecular motions in biological systems.