Julien Siebert

Cosmochemistry, Astrophysics and Geophysical Experimentation
Institute of Physics of the Globe of Paris


Julien Siebert is a scientist in department of Cosmochemistry, Astrophysics and Geophysical Experimentation in Institute of Physics of the Globe of Paris. Assistant professor at University Paris 7

Research Intrest

Accretion and differenciation of the primitive Earth and other terrestrial planets -Chemical compositions of deep Earth reservoirs (core and mantle) -Physico-chemical properties of inner Earth materials (e.g. silicate minerals, iron alloys) -Isotopic fractionnation linked to the formation of the Earth's core. -High pressure and high temperature experiments

List of Publications
Spin crossover in ferropericlase at high pressure: a seismologically transparent transition? Antonangeli D, Siebert J, Aracne CM, Farber DL, Bosak A, Hoesch M, Krisch M, Ryerson FJ, Fiquet G, Badro J. Science. 2011 Jan 7;331(6013):64-7.
Terrestrial accretion under oxidizing conditions. Siebert J, Badro J, Antonangeli D, Ryerson FJ. Science. 2013 Mar 8;339(6124):1194-7.
Dynamics of reaction-diffusion patterns controlled by asymmetric nonlocal coupling as a limiting case of differential advection. Siebert J, Alonso S, Bär M, Schöll E. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2014 May;89(5):052909.
Nonlinearity of local dynamics promotes multi-chimeras. Omelchenko I, Zakharova A, Hövel P, Siebert J, Schöll E. Chaos. 2015 Aug;25(8):083104.