Jérôme Chenevez

Senior Scientist
Danish Space Research Institute


Jérôme Chenevez (JC) is astrophysic and deals with space-based observations performed especially with x-ray scopes (INTEGRAL / JEM-X and NuSTAR), which DTU Space has been involved in building and / or designing. JC helps to develop scientific analysis software as well as preparation of astrophysical observations with future instruments (e.g., NASA's NICER)

Research Intrest

Space Research

List of Publications
"Paizis, A. ; Nowak, M. A. ; Rodriguez, J. ; Segreto, A. ; Chaty, S. ; Rau, A. ; Chenevez, Jérôme ; Del Santo, M. ; Greiner, J. ; Schmidl, S. in journal: Astrophysical Journal (ISSN: 0004-637X) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637x/808/1/34), vol: 808, pages: 9, 2015 "
"Chenevez, Jérôme ; Galloway, D.K. ; in ’t Zand, J.J.M. ; Tomsick, J.A. ; Barret, D. ; Chakrabarty, D. ; Fürst, F. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Christensen, Finn Erland ; Craig, W.W. ; Hailey, C.J. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Romano, P. ; Stern, D. ; Zhang, W.W. in journal: Astrophysical Journal (ISSN: 0004-637X) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/0004-637X/818/2/135), vol: 818, issue: 2, 2016 "
"Savchenko, V. ; Bazzano, A. ; Bozzo, E. ; Brandt, Søren ; Chenevez, Jérôme ; Courvoisier, T. J. L. ; Diehl, R. ; Ferrigno, C. ; Hanlon, L. ; von Kienlin, A. ; Kuulkers, E. ; Laurent, P. ; Lebrun, F. ; Lutovinov, Alexander A. ; Martin-Carrillo, A. ; Mereghetti, S. ; Natalucci, L. ; Roques, J. P. ; Siegert, T. ; Sunyaev, R. ; Ubertini, P. in journal: Astronomy & Astrophysics (ISSN: 0004-6361) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1051/0004-6361/201730572), vol: 603, 2017 "