John Armitage

Geological fluid dynamics
Institute of Physics of the Globe of Paris

Scientist Physics

I am a scientist with an interdisciplinary background working on integrating geophysics, geochemistry, and sedimentology into numerical models. I have more than 10 years of research experience since beginning my PhD at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. From predicting the seismic shear wave structure beneath the East Pacific Rise to the response of alluvial architecture to change in climate, my research has focused on developing physical models to understand how complex systems have evolved, and to extract the key controlling factors on the evolution of our planet.

Research Intrest

My background is diverse and can be split into three complementary research areas: (1) the formation of continent-ocean margins, (2) the long-term evolution of continental interiors, and (3) surface processes.

List of Publications
Allen, P.A., Michael, N.A., D’Arcy M., Roda-Boluda, D.C., Whittaker, A.C., Duller, R.A, Armitage, J.J., (2016) Fractionation of grain size in terrestrial sediment routing systems. Basin Research,
Armitage, J.J., Burgess, P.M., Hampson, G.J., Allen, P.A., (2016) Deciphering the origin of cyclical gravel front and shoreline progradation and retrogradation in the stratigraphic record. Basin Research
Taposeea,T.A., Armitage, J.J., Collier, J.S., (2016) Asthenosphere and lithosphere structure controls on early onset oceanic crust production in the southern South Atlantic. Tectonophysics
Temme, A.J.A.M., Armitage, J.J., Attal, M., van Gorp, W., Coulthard, T.J., Schoorl, J.M., (2017) Developing, choosing and using landscape evolution models to inform field-based landscape reconstruction studies. Earth Surfaces Porcesses and Landforms,
Mareschal, J.-C., Jaupart, C., Armitage, J.J., Phaneuf, C., Pickler, C., Bouquerel, H., (2017) The Sudbury Huronian Heat Flow Anomaly, Ontario, Canada. Precambrain Research
Whittaker, A.C., Zakari, M., and Campforts, B.: Numerical modelling landscape and sediment flux response to precipitation rate change, Earth Surface Dynamics Discuss