Jan Julia Zurné

Ghent University


Jan Julia Zurné (°1988) studied History at Amsterdam University and from 2012 to 2016, she worked at CegeSoma and Ghent University at a doctoral thesis on the attitude of the Belgian magistracy during the Second World War. At present she is studying, always in the context of the IUAP 'Justice and Populations' the reaction of the judiciary to street violence during the liberation days of September 1944.

Research Intrest

"Een “bedrijfsongeval” met verregaande gevolgen. Het parket van Brussel en de zaak-Predom 1942-1947", in BTNG 46:3/4 (2016), p.10-43. (with Karla Vanraepenbusch) ), "Bevrijding gefotografeerd", in Témoigner/Getuigen, 122 (2016), p. 8-12. (with Nico Wouters), "Jodenvervolging en daderprocessen in België en Nederland (1944-1951): rechtspraak en herinneringsculturen", in BMGN-CLHFR 131:2 (2016), p.77-10.