Ivo Kwee

Research associate / Head of Bioinformatics Core U
Bioinformatics Core
Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland


As bioinformatician in the Laboratory, I primarily work on data-mining of micro-array data. We use both gene expression data and genomic DNA data from our Affymetrix platform in order to find relevant oncogenic genes in different cancers. The data processing is particularly challenging due to the high volume of the data and often limited number of samples. My currents interests are copy number estimation from micro-array data, Bayesian methods, and genetic networks. Since 2004, I work at IOSI but I am still affiliated with the artificial intelligence institute IDSIA. I was born in Surabaya (Indonesia) in 1969, but grew up in Holland. After finishing my degree in Applied Physics at the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), I went for my Master degree to the Hokkaido University (Sapporo,Japan) and after that stayed two years as research fellow at MEL (Tsukuba, Japan). I continued for a Ph.D. at the Department of Medical Physics of UCL (London, UK). Finally, I ended up here at IDSIA and IOSI between the gorgeous mountains and beautiful lakes in Switzerland.

Research Intrest

Bioinformatics, Cancer Genomics, Machine Learning, Molecular Biology, Computer Science, Latex, Algorithms, Science, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematical Modelling, Programming, C++, R

List of Publications
Kwee I, Hutter M, Schmidhuber J. Gradient-based reinforcement planning in policy-search methods. arXiv preprint cs/0111060. 2001 Nov 28.
Kwee I, Hutter M, Schmidhuber J. Market-based reinforcement learning in partially observable worlds. Artificial Neural Networks—ICANN 2001. 2001:865-73.
Kwee I, Rancoita PM, Rinaldi A, Ferreri AJ, Bhagat G, Gascoyne RD, Canzonieri V, Gaidano G, Doglioni C, Zucca E, Ponzoni M. Genomic profiles of MALT lymphomas: variability across anatomical sites. Haematologica. 2011 Jul 1;96(7):1064-6.

Global Scientific Words in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology