Ivan Kassamakov

Department of Physics
Helsinki Institute of Physics

Scientist Physics

Ivan Kassamakov is a scientist in the department of physics at Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland. He is working on the project "CMS Upgrade". He has completed his Ph.D. He has published many research papers, which appeared in national and international journals.

Research Intrest

CMS, Particle physics

List of Publications
Sainiemi, Lauri, Kestas Grigoras, Ivan Kassamakov, Kalle Hanhijärvi, Juha Aaltonen, Ji Fan, Ville Saarela, Edward Hæggström, and Sami Franssila. "Fabrication of thermal microbridge actuators and characterization of their electrical and mechanical responses." Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 149, no. 2 (2009): 305-314.
Kassamakov, Ivan, Kalle Hanhijärvi, Imad Abbadi, Juha Aaltonen, Hanne Ludvigsen, and Edward Hæggström. "Scanning white-light interferometry with a supercontinuum source." Optics letters 34, no. 10 (2009): 1582-1584.
Raatikainen, Pekka, Ivan Kassamakov, Roumen Kakanakov, and Mauri Luukkala. "Fiber-optic liquid-level sensor." Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 58, no. 2 (1997): 93-97.