Imran Siddiqi

Chief Scientist
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology

Scientist Molecular Biology

Dr. Siddiqi obtained his M.Sc from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, in 1981, and his Ph.D from University of Oregon, under the guidance of Prof. Franklin Stahl, in 1989. Following postdoctoral work at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,he joined Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology(CCMB) in 1992. Currently he is a group leader at CCMB.

Research Intrest

Research in Dr. Imran Siddiqui's laboratory has centred around studying meiosis in plants using Arabidopsis as a model. We have identified and characterized genes that control key aspects of chromosome organization during meiosis: centromere configuration and cohesion, recombination, synapsis, and progression through the meiotic cell cycle.

List of Publications
Kaur, J., Sebastian, J., and I. Siddiqi, 2006. The Arabidopsis-mei2-Like Genes Play a Role in Meiosis and Vegetative Growth in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 18: 545-559.
Ravi, M., Marimuthu, M.P.A., and I. Siddiqi, 2008. Gamete formation without meiosis in Arabidopsis. Nature, 451: 1121-1124.
Siddiqi, I., Marimuthu, M.P.A., and M. Ravi, 2009. Towards molecular approaches for fixation of hybrid vigour in plants. Biotechnol. Journal, 4: 342-347. (minireview).