Ilka Haferkamp

Department of Plant Physiology
Kaiserslautern University of Technology

Scientist Pathology

Ilka Haferkamp received her PhD From University of Kaiserslautern, during the period of 1987. Currently, she is working as Research Associate, Department of Plant Physiology at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. Her research has included, Primary and complex plastids. Parasites and symbionts.

Research Intrest

Primary and complex plastids, Parasites and symbionts

List of Publications
Haferkamp I, Schmitz-Esser S, Linka N, Urbany C, Collingro A, Wagner M, Neuhaus HE. A candidate NAD+ transporter in an intracellular bacterial symbiont related to Chlamydiae. Nature 2004;432:622-625
Trentmann O, Horn M, Terwisscha van Scheltinga, AC, Neuhaus HE, Haferkamp I. Enlightening energy parasitism by analysis of an ATP/ADP transporter from Chlamydiae. PLoS Biol 2007;5(9):e231.
Schmiz-Esser S, Haferkamp I, Knab S, Penz T, Ast M, Kohl C, Wagner M, Horn M. Lawsonia intracellularis contains a gene encoding a functional rickettsia-like ATP/ADP translocase for host exploitation. J Bacteriol 2008;190:5746-5752
Ast M, Gruber A, Schmitz-Esser S, Neuhaus HE, Kroth P, Horn H, Haferkamp I. Diatom plastids depend on nucleotide import from the cytosol. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2009;106:3621–3626