Héctor Manuel Escamilla Taylor

Principal Researcher
Department of Optics
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada

Scientist Ophthalmology

Héctor Manuel Escamilla Taylor is a Principal Researcher from Department of Optics in Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education Ensenada.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Cudney BRS, Escamilla THM, Ríos OLA (2009) Electro-optic vortex-producing lenses using spiral-shaped ferroelectric domains. Optics Express 17: 997-1002.
Escamilla THM, Méndez MER, Ruiz CV, Landgrave MJEA (2013) Speckle contrast in the diffraction field of weak and strong diffusers, in the presence of spherical aberration. Optics Communications 313: 195-203.