Plant ecophysiology
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Institute of Freshwater Ecology)
United Kingdom
Since 2004, Dr. Harry Harmens the chairman of the ICP Vegetation (, an International Cooperative Programme reporting on the impacts of air pollutants on vegetation to the UN Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP). Ca. 50 countries and more than 200 scientists contribute to the programme. Dr. Harry Harmens have coordinated the European moss survey, reporting on the concentration of heavy metals and nitrogen (and to some extend persistent organic pollutants - POPs) in mosses. An important part of the programme is the development of ozone critical levels for vegetation, collating evidence of ozone effects and quantify ozone impacts on ecosystem services such as food security and carbon sequestration, and impacts on plant biodiversity.
Impacts of climate change and air pollution on vegetation