Francois Prevot

Environmental biogeochemistry
Institute of Physics of the Globe of Paris


Francois Prevot is a scientist in department of Environmental biogeochemistry in IInstitute of Physics of the Globe of Paris.

Research Intrest

Environmental biogeochemistry

List of Publications
Haemonchus contortus (Nematoda: Trichostrongylidae) infection in lambs elicits an unequivocal Th2 immune response. Lacroux C, Nguyen TH, Andreoletti O, Prevot F, Grisez C, Bergeaud JP, Gruner L, Brunel JC, Francois D, Dorchies P, Jacquiet P. Vet Res. 2006 Jul-Aug;37(4):607-22.
Immune response to Haemonchus contortus infection in susceptible (INRA 401) and resistant (Barbados Black Belly) breeds of lambs. Terefe G, Lacroux C, Andreoletti O, Grisez C, Prevot F, Bergeaud JP, Penicaud J, Rouillon V, Gruner L, Brunel JC, Francois D, Bouix J, Dorchies P, Jacquiet P. Parasite Immunol. 2007 Aug;29(8):415-24.
In vitro pre-exposure of Haemonchus contortus L3 to blood eosinophils reduces their establishment potential in sheep. Terefe G, Grisez C, Prevot F, Bergeaud JP, Dorchies P, Brunel JC, François D, Fourquaux I, Jacquiet P. Vet Res. 2007 Jul-Aug;38(4):647-54.
A genome scan for QTL affecting resistance to Haemonchus contortus in sheep. Sallé G, Jacquiet P, Gruner L, Cortet J, Sauvé C, Prévot F, Grisez C, Bergeaud JP, Schibler L, Tircazes A, François D, Pery C, Bouvier F, Thouly JC, Brunel JC, Legarra A, Elsen JM, Bouix J, Rupp R, Moreno CR. J Anim Sci. 2012 Dec;90(13):4690-705.
Assessing sinus aerosol deposition: benefits of SPECT-CT imaging. Leclerc L, Pourchez J, Prevot N, Vecellio L, Le Guellec S, Cottier M, Durand M. Int J Pharm. 2014 Feb 28;462(1-2):135-41.
Immune-checkpoint inhibitors associated with interstitial lung disease in cancer patients. Delaunay M, Cadranel J, Lusque A, Meyer N, Gounaut V, Moro-Sibilot D, Michot JM, Raimbourg J, Girard N, Guisier F, Planchard D, Metivier AC, Tomasini P, Dansin E, Pérol M, Campana M, Gautschi O, Früh M, Fumet JD, Audigier-Valette C, Couraud S, Dalle S, Leccia MT, Jaffro M, Collot S, Prévot G, Milia J, Mazieres J. Eur Respir J. 2017 Aug 10;50(2).