Fabio Orecchini

Guglielmo Marconi University

Scientist Engineering

Fabio Orecchini is a Director of CARe - Center for automotive research and evolution. Principal Investigator and co-ordinator of National and International Research projects in the fields of sustainable energy and sustainable mobility - with specific competence on automotive powertrainsAlong with that he is a Former subject Editor (Energy), currently member of the Board of Editorial Advisors of Sustainability Science Journal, Springer.

Research Intrest

The Department promotes and coordinates research activities aimed to effectively improve human well-being in compliance with the requirements of social, economic, and environmental sustainability. In particular, it support theoretical and practical researches in order to provide concrete answers to the complex issues due to the interaction of technological, economic, social and environmental features of development processes. Research Areas: Energy and Sustainability; Urban and Territorial Planning; Planning of infrastructure and Transport; Architectural Planning; Mechanical Engineering; Industrial Engineering; Structural and Geotechnical Engineering; Hydraulic Constructions; Mathematics; Agricultural science.

List of Publications
Adriano Santiangeli, Chiara Fiori, F. Zuccari, Annalisa D’Orazio (2014) Experimental Analysis of the Auxiliaries Consumption in the Energy Balance of a Pre-series Plug-in Hybrid-electric Vehicle. Energy Procedia 45: 779 – 788.
Zuccari F, Santiangeli Aa, Orecchini Fa (2016) Simulation of Operating Conditions of a Home Energy System Composed by Home Appliances and Integrated PV Powerplant with Storage. Energy Procedia 101: 456 – 463.
Fabio Orecchini, Adriano Santiangeli, F. Zuccari (2015) The Concept of Energy Traceability: Application to EV Electricity Charging by Res. Energy Procedia 82: 637 – 644.

Global Scientific Words in Engineering