Emmanuelle Raimbault

Environmental biogeochemistry
Institute of Physics of the Globe of Paris


Emmanuelle Raimbault is a scientist in department of Environmental biogeochemistry in IInstitute of Physics of the Globe of Paris.

Research Intrest

Environmental biogeochemistry

List of Publications
Stratification of Archaea in the deep sediments of a freshwater meromictic lake: vertical shift from methanogenic to uncultured archaeal lineages. Borrel G, Lehours AC, Crouzet O, Jézéquel D, Rockne K, Kulczak A, Duffaud E, Joblin K, Fonty G. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e43346.
Simultaneous 2D imaging of dissolved iron and reactive phosphorus in sediment porewaters by thin-film and hyperspectral methods. Cesbron F, Metzger E, Launeau P, Deflandre B, Delgard ML, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Geslin E, Anschutz P, Jézéquel D. Environ Sci Technol. 2014;48(5):2816-26.
Using DET and DGT probes (ferrihydrite and titanium dioxide) to investigate arsenic concentrations in soil porewater of an arsenic-contaminated paddy field in Bangladesh. Garnier JM, Garnier J, Jézéquel D, Angeletti B. Sci Total Environ. 2015 Dec 1;536:306-15.