Food Science and Technology
Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Elisa Yoko Hirooka Graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the State University of Londrina, Master in Food Science from the State University of Londrina nd Doctorate in Food Engineering (Food Sciences Area) from the State University of Campinas. The introduction to Science, nanobiotechnology - area of ​​Microbial Toxins; directed to the international interaction, began in the Master's (Wisconsin University, USA), with subsequent stays abroad since 1989 as Visiting Researcher (Science University of Tokyo, Japan) and Post-Doc (Meijo University, Japan), followed by academic formation - sending students graduating and post-graduate students abroad. The exchange with Kagawa University-JP emphasizes Immunobiotechnology, having as goal the production, innovation and application in monitoring and biocontrol of mycotoxins and phycotoxins (toxigenic fungi and cyanobacteria).
Development of Immunological Methods for Detection of Toxins, Toxicity and Pesticide Residues in Food, Cyanobacteria Toxins In Water, Food Microbiology, Food Quality Assessment and Control, Fish farming.