dr. Sanne Boschman

Social Sciences - Sociology
Utrecht University


Sanne Boschman (1983) was born and raised in Haarlemmermeer. In 2001 she started her Bachelor in Environmental and Infrastructure planning at University of Groningen. She finished her Bachelor in 2004 and started a research master Demography at the same university. In 2007 she graduated cum laude with a master thesis on the role of values in decision-making about voluntary childlessness. Directly after graduation she started her working career at The Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research (Ruimtelijk Planbureau), which later became PBL (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving). As a researcher at PBL, she participated in a variety of research project on residential mobility, demography and economic geography. In December 2011 she started her PhD research at OTB-Research for the Built environment, Delft University of Technology. In November 2015 she defended her PhD thesis on Selective Mobility, Segregation and Neighbourhood effects.

Research Intrest

Environmental and Infrastructure planning