Dr. Putzu Giovanni Antioco

Neurological Clinic Dr Alexandre Cruzeiro

Scientist Neurology

Giovanni Antioco Putzu is a Medical Doctor since 1992, with specialization in Paediatric Neurology. He achived his PhD in 1996. During PHD studies, He was a Research Fellow in Hammersmith Hospital of London, UK in 1992, then He moved in Marseille to work at INSERM (Genetics) and in Neurophathology. The Author has published more than 15 papers in the field of Neuromuscular Disorders. Giovanni Antioco Putzu is a Medical Doctor since 1992, with specialization in Paediatric Neurology. He achived his PhD in 1996. During PHD studies, He was a Research Fellow in Hammersmith Hospital of London, UK in 1992, then He moved in Marseille to work at INSERM (Genetics) and in Neurophathology. The Author has published more than 15 papers in the field of Neuromuscular Disorders.

Research Intrest
