Dr Nicolene

University of Johannesburg
South Africa

Scientist Nursing

Jager has completed her D Cur from the Nursing Science Department of the University of Johannesburg. Her nursing career began, after completing her Baccalaureus Atrium et Scientiae in 1983 at North-West University. She also did a Diploma in Advanced Nursing in 1987, through University of South Africa (UNISA), a Baccalaureus Technologiae in Occupational Health Nursing in 2006, and a Magister Curationis (cum laude) in Occupational Health in 2012, at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). The findings from this study were presented at an international conference and an article was accepted and published. Jager has completed her D Cur from the Nursing Science Department of the University of Johannesburg. Her nursing career began, after completing her Baccalaureus Atrium et Scientiae in 1983 at North-West University. She also did a Diploma in Advanced Nursing in 1987, through University of South Africa (UNISA), a Baccalaureus Technologiae in Occupational Health Nursing in 2006, and a Magister Curationis (cum laude) in Occupational Health in 2012, at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). The findings from this study were presented at an international conference and an article was accepted and published.

Research Intrest

Strategies to facilitate professional development of the occupational health nurse in the occupational health setting