Dr Nicky Grigg

Senior Research Scientist 
social-ecological systems
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)


Nicky Grigg works in interdisciplinary teams on a diverse range of projects concerned with global change and social-ecological systems. Recent and current projects include:Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio projects in the Koshi and Indus river basins to support integrated water resource management, funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT),Resilience, Adaptation Pathways and Transformation Assessment (RAPTA) guidelines https://research.csiro.au/eap/rapta/,The development of an indicator framework for social-ecological resilience in agro-ecosystems, funded by the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF),She brings experience in mathematical modelling and analysis of social-ecological systems. Her PhD research involved measuring and modelling impacts of burrowing animals on aquatic sediment biogeochemistry. In her postdoctoral fellowship she worked on the implications of nonlinear dynamics on mathematical modelling of ecological systems. In her subsequent work at CSIRO she has worked on a diverse range of projects, from local scale (e.g. the biogeochemical response of the Coorong to drought) to national scale (e.g. what builds social-ecological resilience in Australia?).Currently she is part of the Modelling Water Ecosystems group in the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Knowledge and Systems Program in CSIRO Land and Water.

Research Intrest

Mathematical modelling

List of Publications
Overcoming societal addictions: what can we learn from individual therapies?
Making ‘resilience’, ‘adaptation’ and ‘transformation’ real for the design of sustainable development projects: piloting the Resilience, Adaptation Pathways and Transformation Assessment (RAPTA) framework in Ethiopia
Progress report to GRAID: piloting RAPTA guidelines