Dr Ihor Kuz

Research Engineer 
 modular operating systems
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)

Scientist Engineering

Ihor works as a Research Engineer in the Trustworthy Systems group. He is also a conjoint Senior Lecturer at UNSW.Ihor's research interests include operating systems and distributed systems. With regards to operating systems, he focuses on the design of flexible and modular operating systems, as well as security and safety properties of such systems. In distributed systems, he is interested in distributed system middleware, supporting services, and management of distributed resources.Ihor worked at NICTA before it became part of Data61. Prior to joining NICTA, Ihor spent time as a research assistant and scientific programmer at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, designing and implementing the Globe wide-area distributed system. He was also a co-founder of Smarthaven, a startup company that developed intelligent mobile-agent based web search technology. In 2010/2011 Ihor spent a year in Europe, working on the Barrelfish multicore operating system at ETH Zurich, and on a version of AUTOSAR running on seL4 at Fraunhofer IESE.In 1996, Ihor achieved a Masters degree in Computer Science from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Then, in 2003, he earned a PhD in Computer Science from the TU Delft in the Netherlands.

Research Intrest

Computer System Security 

List of Publications
An Architectural Approach for Cost Effective Trustworthy Systems
Automated Verification of a Component Platform
Composing Patterns to Construct Secure Systems

Global Scientific Words in Engineering