Dr Hannelie Botha

Research Scientist 
Forestry and Environmental Management
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)


I am currently involved in acquatic remote sensing where I study the application of optical models to multispectral satellite data to discriminate marine habitat and benthic substratum type in optically shallow coral reef and coastal waters. This work contributes to the science of monitoring and mitigating the impact of climate- and anthropogenic induced stress on aquatic ecosystems. This research is becoming progressively more important due to the impact of the current trend of more severe weather events and possible sea-level adjustments due to climate change.During the past 20 years, I have been involved in remote sensing research in a wide range of environmental remote sensing fields and applications

Research Intrest

Application of remote sensing solutions to environmental management problems

List of Publications
Landsat 8: Providing continuity and increased precision for measuring multi-decadal time series of total suspended matter
Systematic Analysis of Inland Water Quality Using Datacube Concepts
Preparing for satellite imaging spectrometers to improve knowledge of our reefs: COral Reef Airborne Laboratory 2016 overflight of the GBR and Torres Strait: CSIRO Activities