Dr. Gopal Gupta

Senior Principal Scientist
Central Drug Research Institute


Dr. Gopal Gupta is currently Senior Principal Scientist in the department of Endocrinology CSIR Central drug research Institute Lucknow India. He published more than 30 research articles.

Research Intrest

The search of novel targets for contraception and reproductive health by studying ,Molecular mechanisms associated with motility initiation of the sperm during ejaculationThermal regulation of testicular spermatogenesis in mammals â—‹Identification of common targets on sperm and some common STD pathogens like Trichomonas vaginalis that are vulnerable to designed chemical interference for prophylactic contraception â—‹ Association of Trichomoniasis with pathogenesis of prostate cancer â—‹ The epigenetic regulation of hormonal sensitivity of prostate cancer â—‹ Management of benign prostatic hyperplasia Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel chemical entities with sperm immobilizing (spermicidal/spermiostatic) and anti-Trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis causing Trichomoniasis, which is globally the most prevalent STD that increases susceptibility to HIV) agents. Mimicking the natural safe period of menstrual cycle for designing a novel and safe method of contraception The study of sperm energetics