Dr Gavin Hunter

Molecular plant pathologist and Mycologist
Botany Department
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)

Scientist Pathology

Gavin is a molecular plant pathologist and mycologist. His research interests encompass the identification, evolution and population biology of invasive fungal plant pathogens. This is achieved through the use of DNA-based molecular tools complemented by conventional morphological taxonomy. Gavin has undertaken such research across several sectors including academia, government and commercial. Currently, Gavin is a member of the biological control team where he participates in research projects aimed at the biological control of weeds using host specific fungal pathogens.

Research Intrest

Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis

List of Publications
 Rahnella victoriana sp nov., Rahnella bruchi sp nov., Rahnella woolbedingensis sp nov., classification of Rahnella genomospecies 2 and 3 as Rahnella variigena sp nov and Rahnella inusitata sp nov., respectively and emended description of the genus Ra .
 Gibbsiella greigii sp nov., a novel species associated with oak decline in the USA
Description of Brenneria roseae sp nov and two subspecies, Brenneria roseae subspecies roseae ssp nov and Brenneria roseae subspecies americana ssp nov isolated from symptomatic oak