Dr. Garcia Myrna Elena Olvera

Biochemical Science
National Autonomous University of Mexico

Scientist Food and Nutrition

Myrna Elena Olvera Garcia has studied Food Chemistry at Chemistry Faculty at National Autonomous University of Mexico and completed a Master’s degree in Biochemical Science at the same institution, about the pathogenic and probiotic potential of Enterococcus spp. isolated from a Mexican handmade cheese. She is currently a PhD student in Biochemical Science with a bioinformatic specialization directed to the comparative genomic analysis. In 2014 she was teaching as Faculty of Chemistry. She has published four papers focused in antibacterial compounds produced by lactic acid bacteria and genome sequencing of bacteria isolated from Heterotermes sp. Termite Gut. Myrna Elena Olvera Garcia has studied Food Chemistry at Chemistry Faculty at National Autonomous University of Mexico and completed a Master’s degree in Biochemical Science at the same institution, about the pathogenic and probiotic potential of Enterococcus spp. isolated from a Mexican handmade cheese. She is currently a PhD student in Biochemical Science with a bioinformatic specialization directed to the comparative genomic analysis. In 2014 she was teaching as Faculty of Chemistry. She has published four papers focused in antibacterial compounds produced by lactic acid bacteria and genome sequencing of bacteria isolated from Heterotermes sp. Termite Gut.

Research Intrest

Biochemical Science

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition