Department of Physical Chemistry
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Dr. Cortes received his BSc. and MSc. in Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) from the School of Chemistry, UNAM. He made doctoral studies under the supervision of Dr. Gabriel E. Cuevas González Bravo, at the Graduate Program in Chemical Sciences, UNAM. He obtained a postdoctoral position at Prof. Richard F. W. Bader’s group, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada. Nowadays, he is fully Researcher in the department of physical chemistry. he honored with Member of the National System of Research, level 1.
Dr. Cortes research focuses on electronic density within the subject of computational chemistry. His current research involves three topics: Studies on the bond, reactivity and selectivity of organometallic systems. Study of the organic and organometallic reaction mechanism. Development of descriptors for QSAR studies.