Dong-Xiu Zhang

Visiting Scientist
Mycology and Nematology Genetic Diversity and Biology Labora
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
United States of America

Scientist Food and Nutrition

My current research focus is to develop immunoassay methods for boxwood blight early detection. Boxwood blight emerged in Europe at mid-1990s. The first disease occurrences in the USA were reported in 2002 in North Carolina and Connecticut. Boxwood blight results in unmarketable plants with necrotic leafs and defoliation if not being killed. The disease epidemiology draws our main concern. Symptom-apparent-plants as the major sources of primary inoculums can be properly removed from the market. However, the symptom-free infected plants are transported and distributed without an appropriate measure of early detection. The disease is potentially being spread out beyond handlers' awareness. Our goal is to develop a handy immunoassay stick to allow boxwood growers and retailers conduct early boxwood blight early detection to prevent the catastrophic disease outbreak.

Research Intrest

Mycology and Nematology Genetic Diversity and Biology Laboratory

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition