Dea Maria

Oswaldo Cruz Institute- Fiocruz

Scientist Immunology

He holds a bachelor's degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1975), a master's degree in Histology and Embryology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1985), a PhD in Microbiology / Immunology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993) ) And postdoctoral fellowship in Glycobiology by the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (São Paulo) (1994). He is currently Researcher at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. He has experience in the field of Immunology, with emphasis on Research on the Physiology of Thymus, working mainly on the following topics: thymus, extracellular matrix, galectin, Trypanosoma cruzi infection and neuroimmunomodulation.

Research Intrest

thymus, extracellular matrix, galectin, Trypanosoma cruzi infection and neuroimmunomodulation