luxes of high-versus low-temperature water-rock interactions in aerial volvanic areas: Example from the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, Dessert C., Gaillardet J., Dupré B., Schott J., and Pokrovsky O.S., Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta 73, 148-169, 2009 -
Dynamic of particulate and dissolved organic carbon in small volcanic mountainous tropical watersheds, Lloret E., C. Dessert, L. Pastor, E. Lajeunesse, O. Crispi, J. Gaillardet, M.F. Benedetti. Chemical Geology 351, 229–244, 2013 - doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.05.023
Comparison of dissolved inorganic and organic carbon yields and fluxes in the tropical islands, examples from Guadeloupe (FWI), Lloret E., Dessert C., Gaillardet J., Albéric P., Crispi O., Chaduteau C., and Benedetti M., Chemical Geology 280, 65-78, 2011 -
Evidence for a new shallow magma intrusion at La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles): Insights from long-term geochemical monitoring of halogen-rich hydrothermal fluids, Villemant B., J.C. Komorowski, C. Dessert, A. Michel, O. Crispi, G. Hammouya, F. Beauducel, J.B. de Chabalier. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 285, 247-277, 2014 -
Influence of atmospheric deposits and secondary minerals on Li isotopes budget in a highly weathered catchment, Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles), Clergue C., M. Dellinger, H.L. Buss, J. Gaillardet, M.F. Benedetti and C. Dessert. Chemical Geology 414, 28-41, 2015 -
Controls on chemical weathering on a mountainous volcanic tropical island: Guadeloupe (French West Indies), Dessert C., E. Lajeunesse, E. Lloret, C. Clergue, O. Crispi, C. Gorge, X. Quidelleur. Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta 171, 216-237, 2015