Chiao-Ping Wang

Associate Researcher
Silviculture Division
Taiwan Forestry Research Institute


Chiao-Ping Wang is Associate Researcher of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, in the Silviculture Division. Research interest and job description include Pedoecology, Nutrient cycling, Forest disturbance (typhoon), ecosystem degradation.

Research Intrest

Pedoecology, Nutrient cycling, Forest disturbance (typhoon), ecosystem degradation.

List of Publications
Lu MC, Chang CT, Lin TC, Wang LJ, Wang CP, et al. (2017) Modeling the terrestrial N processes in a small mountain catchment through INCA-N: A case study in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment 593: 319-329.
Chang CT, Wang CP, Chuan JH, Wang LJ, Liu CP, et al. (2017) Trends of two decadal precipitation chemistry in a subtropical rainforest in East Asia. Science of The Total Environment 605: 88-98.

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