Cheryl Lobo

Complement Biology
Complement Biology, New York Blood Center
United States of America

Scientist Haematology

The Laboratory of Blood-Borne Parasites studies the mechanisms of invasion, intracellular development, multiplication and egress in three intra-erythrocytic parasites- Plasmodium falciparum, Babesia divergens and Babesia microti, using in vitro culture systems and rodent models of disease. Our interest focuses on host RBC receptors and parasite ligands and changes mediated by the parasite to the RBC, with the eventual goal of developing viable interventions to detect and halt transmission of these pathogens via blood transfusions.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Cursino-Santos JR, Singh M, Pham P, Rodriguez M, Lobo CA (2016) Babesia divergens builds a complex population structure composed of specific ratios of infected cells to ensure a prompt response to changing environmental conditions. Cell Microbiol 18: 859-874.
Arsuaga M, Gonzalez LM, Lobo CA, de la Calle F, Bautista JM, et al. (2016) First Report of Babesia microti-Caused Babesiosis in Spain. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 16: 677-679.
Cursino-Santos JR, Singh M, Pham P, Lobo CA (2017) A novel flow cytometric application discriminates among the effects of chemical inhibitors on various phases of Babesia divergens intraerythrocytic cycle. Cytometry A 91: 216-231.