Carmen Penido Monteiro

Research Productivity Scholar
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Oswaldo Cruz Institute- Fiocruz

Scientist Molecular Biology

Carmen Penido holds a degree in Biological Sciences (USU, 1992), a Master's degree (1996) and a PhD (2000) in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. After completing his Masters degree, he was a visiting fellow at Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA), a PhD Sandwich (CNPq) at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College (London, England) and postdoctoral fellow at the Gulbenkian Institute of Sciences (Lisbon, Portugal). He is currently a Specialist in Science, Technology, Production and Innovation in Public Health of the Center for Technological Development in Health (CDTS) of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, permanent professor of the Postgraduate Course in Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute and the Professional Master's Degree In Management, Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry of Farmanguinhos.

Research Intrest

Science, Technology, Production and Innovation in Public Health