Calatayud Paul Andre

Senior Research Scientist
Research Institute for Development (IRD)

Scientist General Science

Dr. Calatayud is a Senior Research Scientist of Research Institute for Development (IRD), a French Institute. A native of France, he has experienced field and laboratory studies in South America at CIAT (Colombia) and Africa at ICIPE (Kenya). Dr. Calatayud is an entomologist with experience in insect-plant interactions (including the third trophic level, the parasitoids) ; insect behaviour and insect/plant chemistry (including volatiles). He has published more than 50 papers in refereed journals, written 4 books and 3 book chapters. His professional services include: referee of several international journals (e.g. Bulletin of Entomological Research, Crop Protection, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, European Journal of Entomology, Florida Entomologist, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Journal of Applied Entomology, Journal of Insect Behavior, Physiological Entomology); Member, Editorial board of ISRN Entomology and International Journal of Insect Science, Science Advisory Panel, International Fundation for Science (IFS, Sweden).

Research Intrest

Plant physiology linked to insect resistance Insect-plant interactions study Insect behaviour and insect physiology Host selection and acceptance by Lepidoptera and parasitoids

Global Scientific Words in General Science