Borja Martinovic

Social Sciences - ASW: Cultural Diversity & Youth
Utrecht University


she trained in both sociological and social-psychological research traditions. I completed a PhD in sociology, and the topic of my dissertation was interethnic contacts in Western countries. Using nationally representative longitudinal surveys of immigrants in the Netherlands, Germany and Canada I examined the development of immigrants’ contacts with natives during their residence in the host country and identified socio-demographic determinants of such interethnic contacts.

Research Intrest

Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights

List of Publications
Verkuyten, M. & Martinovic, B. (in press). Collective psychological ownership and intergroup relations. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Kamberi, E., Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (in press). Intergroup contact and minority group empowerment: The perspective of Roma and non-Roma adolescents in Macedonia. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology.
Žeželj, I., Ioannou, M., Franc, R., Psaltis, C., & Martinovic. B. (in press). The role of inter-ethnic online friendships in prejudice reduction in post-conflict societies: Evidence from Serbia, Croatia and Cyprus. Computers in Human Behavior.