Associate Professor
Research and Development of Materials
Gilberto Antioquia University
Bejarano Gaitan Gilberto received his engineering degree in Metallurgy and Materials Science in 1992 at the Technical University of Aachen (RWTHAachen), Germany and has completed his Ph.D. at the age of 42 years from Universidad del Valle, Cali-Colombia. He made postdoctoral at the Dortmund University of Technology in Dortmund, Germany. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Antioquia from the year 2007, belongs to the Centre for Innovation, Research and Development of Materials CIDEMAT, and directs the research area for surface engineering and coatings. Bejarano Gaitan Gilberto received his engineering degree in Metallurgy and Materials Science in 1992 at the Technical University of Aachen (RWTHAachen), Germany and has completed his Ph.D. at the age of 42 years from Universidad del Valle, Cali-Colombia. He made postdoctoral at the Dortmund University of Technology in Dortmund, Germany. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Antioquia from the year 2007, belongs to the Centre for Innovation, Research and Development of Materials CIDEMAT, and directs the research area for surface engineering and coatings.
Surface engineering and coatings