Arvind Kumar

Cellular and Molecular Biology
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology

Scientist Molecular Biology

Arvind Kumar is a principal scientist in Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB).

Research Intrest

Understanding the epigenetic or chromatin remodeling mechanisms in complex disorders of brain and behavior, the neuropsychiatric diseases, in particular, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying etiopathophysiology of affective disorders such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Using rodent models we study how chronic environmental perturbations such as stress cause alterations in circuitry controlling mood and emotions, by inducing lasting changes in function of many genes via events at the chromatin level (i.e., epigenetic mechanisms).

List of Publications
Suri D, Veenit V, Sarkar A, Thiagarajan D, Kumar A, Nestler EJ, Galande S, Vaidya VA (2013) Early stress evokes age-dependent biphasic changes in hippocampal neurogenesis, Bdnf expression and cognition. Biol Psychiatry 73: 658-666.
Chakravarty S, Pathak SS, Maitra S, Khandelwal N, Chandra KB, Kumar A (2014). Epigenetic regulatory mechanisms in stress-induced behavior. Int Rev Neurobiol 115: 117-54.
Veeraiah P, Noronha JM, Maitra S, Bagga P, Khandelwal N, Chakravarty S, Kumar A*, Patel AB* (2014). Dysfunctional Glutamatergic and γ-Aminobutyric Acidergic Activities in Prefrontal Cortex of Mice in Social Defeat Model of Depression. Biol Psychiatry 76: 231-238