Planetary and Space Sciences
Institute of Physics of the Globe of Paris
Expect. Oct-2017 - CNRS Research (CR), IPGP (G2E & PSS), Paris, France Jan-2017 - Research Fellow, LabEx UnivEarthS, Paris France Jan-2015 -- Dec-2016 - Research Fellow, CEA irfu/Sap/AIM, Gif s/ Yvette France Jan-2013 -- Dec-2014 - Post-Doc Fellow, CNES, AIM, Paris-Diderot, Paris France Jan-2012 -- Sep-2012 - Invited Scientist, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovot, Israel Aug-2010 -- Dec-2012 - Post-Doc Scholar,Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA Apr-2010 -- Aug-2010 - Visiting Scientist, Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA Oct-2009 -- Apr-2010 - Ass. Teacher (French ATER), IPGP, Paris, France Sep-2009 - Invited Grad. Student, UCL, London, U.K. Sep-2008 -- Sep-2009 - Ass. Teacher (French Monitorat), IPGP, Paris, France Mar-2007 - Visiting, Non Linear Science Institue, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, USA Sep-2006 -- Sep-2008 - Ass. Teacher (French Monitorat), Palais de la Decouverte, Paris, France Oct-2006 -- Sep-2009 - Grad. Student, Ph.D. Candidate, IPGP, Paris, France
Numerical Modeling, Microwave Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing, Scaling laws, Stereo Vision. Geophysics Remote Sensing and GIS, Image Processing, MATLAB, Granular Physics, Photogrammetry Software, Geomorphology, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Fluvial Geomorphology, Friction, GMT, Mars, Mars Exploration, Landslides, SAR